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Jan 28,2024

How to Maximize Productivity with Manual & Automated Tags


If you're active on three social media platforms and get 10 comments and 5 msgs on each, that's 45 msgs a day and 315 a week!

Among these, how do you spot the casual shout-outs from the "I wanna buy this now" comments?

You probably have lots of messages, but only a few are urgent or about purchases.

That's where Chat Breezes helps

It's like a metal detector for your inbox, making it easy to find high-intent prospects with automated tagging.

Just set up keywords like “sale”, “price”, “discount”, or “how much”.

It will automatically apply tags to messages with these keywords, whether they're from posts, comments, mentions, or other social media networks.

With one click on your dashboard, you'll see all these important leads together. This saves time and ensures you don't miss any sales.

Use Cases of Tags

Use case #1: Highlighting Priority Messages:

Users tag conversations involving pricing to prioritize potential sales.

Use case #2: Categorizing Conversations:
  • Categorization based on content, such as price discussions, warranty inquiries, etc., helps users organize interactions effectively.
Use case #3: Ignoring Low-Priority Conversations:
  • Tag conversations as low-priority and read it when you have time.
Use case #4: Customized Tags for Different Aspects:

Other smart tags to consider:

  • Questions - flag customer inquiries for prompt follow-up
  • Support - highlight issues needing resolution
  • Awaiting Response - don't leave anyone hanging
  • Urgent - prioritize time-sensitive requests
  • Referral Potential - identify fans who could advocate for you
  • Using Competitor - switch them to your brand
  • Unhappy Customer - turn frustrations into opportunities

Step-by-step guide to build tags manually and Automatically

Section 1: Manual Tagging
  • Through Message Card:

Step 1: Navigate to the “tag” button on the bottom right of each message card.

Step 2: Click "Manage tag" to create a new tag or edit or delete existing tags.

Step 3: Click your selected tags, and the message is tagged manually.

Through Chat Window:

Step 1: Hover over the selected message. You will see the "tag" button on the right of the message.

Step 2: Click "Tags," and then you can choose to tag the messages with existing tags or create a new one through "Manage tags."

Section 2: Automated Tagging

Step 1: Select the social profiles to which you want to apply the auto-tag rule.

Step 2: Choose the message types for which you want to apply the auto-tag rule. For example, if you select Instagram as the social profile and mentions as the message type, only the mentions from your chosen Instagram profile will be tagged.

Step 3: Input the keywords that should trigger the auto-tag rule.

Step 4: Choose the tags you want to apply.

Step 5: Click "Save Rule" to publish the auto-tag rule


We have a short tutorial video to guide you through the process.we have a short tutorial video to guide you through the process.

Congratulations! You've successfully mastered manual and automated tagging in Chat Breezes. By leveraging this powerful feature, you can efficiently categorize, prioritize, and manage your social media conversations, ensuring you never miss a crucial interaction.

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